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Writer's pictureChloe King

Imagine Worlds - Animatic

March 11, 2019

The final part of the imagine worlds was to make an animatic to go along with the sounds. I first did this in Adobe After Effects. However, the file became corrupted and the video would freeze and glitch so I moved over to Premiere Pro.

I knew I wanted to move the drone and the ship across the screen. The ship was already in position to look like it was landing into the city so I moved it so it was doing so. The drone was just going to move around the tower. I added in a dust effect last minute to make it more busy.

Moving over to Premiere it was similar to After Effects with the timeline and locking the position and scales of layers. My biggest issue was with the light rotation, moving the light in time with the drone was fine but once I added in a rotation it moved the light completely off of the drone so I kept having to move it back into position. The closer and further away from the screen the objects were also depended on the size so I also used the clock that's highlighted to set when the objects should be a certain size.

The dots show where the light has been moved in the timeline, the same would be shown for the drone and ship. I did struggle trying to move the ship in a straight line going down towards the city, at some points it did go off course and curve so I had to fix that.

Before moving my image over I had to fuse some layers into one so I could move them in a group. I also had to move some layers like the drone because it was going in front of the tower when I wanted to behind.

As for the light on top of the tower I put that in its own layer and used the opacity to make it blink.

Overall, I am proud of how this turned out, I do like the movement of the ship and how it dives down next to the city. I would have liked to speed up the ship and drone but due to the length of the sound I had to keep things moving for 46 seconds so it had to be slowed down. Next time I would also like to give a glow effect for the tower light when it blinks, either just a soft glow like on the ship or one that the drone has. I would have maybe liked to move some clouds as well but the main focus was on the ship and drone so I buried that dream straight away.

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