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Writer's pictureChloe King

Imagine Worlds - Sounds

Updated: May 23, 2019

February 06, 2019

Along with our concept art we had to go out and record sounds we thought would be in our art or goes along with the theme. Only being allowed to go around college to record it was hard to record certain sounds without any background noise or even finding the right one. Some were more hard than others and we had to make the sound closest to it and then using Adobe Audition edit them.

We were given a zoom recorder and a shot gun mic to go around campus with and record sounds. I was in a group of three and we all had similar sounds we needed to record so It made it a bit easier. The first place we went was outside by the road to record the sound of cars driving past, this was the quickest sound we recorded as the rest we either had to make ourselves or plan ahead on how to change them into another sound in Adobe Audition later on. Some parts were very awkward to record like the "drone" sound, its actually the noise coming from a drink cooler in our canteen. We got a lot of weird looks when we were shoving a mic down the side and a woman came up to us and asked what we were doing which almost ruined the recording. Additionally, we tried using a vent to get the sound of the drone so we had two versions in case. Some sounds were easier like walking and making some metal bang together which didn't take long. Lastly, the alarm sound you can hear in the background was recording from a phone ringing and was later altered.

Some sounds did not need any editing such as the cars and birds, the most I did with them was cut down some gaps. The siren was originally a phone ringing but using the distortion and pitch shift, I deepened the pitch and made it sound more like an ambulance but still an alarm. The last sound is a drone but its only 2 seconds as there was not much salvageable audio I could get from the recording.

his is what the software looks like when you add in the audio, I couldn't get an image of the sounds I used so I borrowed one from Google. It was easy to tell what parts were the main sounds and what were background noises due to the level of spikes on screen.

This is what the pitch shifter options look like, I can move the button up and down to decide what pitch I want the sound to be at.

And lastly, the distortion grid. This also effected the speed of the selected sound I wanted to distort. It came in handy when editing the siren sounds.

Next time I would like to record more sounds but there wasn't many I could think of that would go with my concept art. I did like how the alarm turned out, although this was my first time using Adobe Audition I still think I could have slightly made the alarm better sounding. I also wish that we recorded more sounds that needed editing because I did enjoy using Audition to make new sounds and would have liked to learn the software more.

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