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Synoptic Project - Arm Rig

To get the robot arm moving in the video I first had to rig it before I even though about animating. I knew rigging would help me in the...

Synoptic Project - Purple Pill's

This is the VFX video we have been working on for around 3 months now for our synoptic project. Watching the full video now I can safely...

Synoptic Evaluation

Now that we have finished our Synoptic Project I can evaluate how it compares to the brief and how the team worked together during this...

Synoptic Project - Drone Compositing

Another set of models I had to composite was the two drones and tower that were to be put in during Brandon running across a field with...

Synoptic Project - Robot Panorama

This panorama is the bane of my existence, we went back to Brandon's house four times to try and do this panorama correctly, and three...

Synoptic Project - Drone Panorama

The next panorama I had to do was at the park we filmed the drone scene at. We did end up going back twice due to major camera issues...

Synoptic Project - Scanner Panorama

Seeing as my models I made for our project were going to be put into scenes I needed to sort out the lighting for them and reflections so...

Synoptic Project - Drone

The second model I had to make for the project is a drone. My team mate did make one whilst I was doing the arm as a prototype that I...

Synoptic Project - Robot Arm

My main role in the project is to make the 3D models that will be used in some clips and to animate them. The first thing I had to model...

Synoptic Project - Presentation Pitch

November 15, 2018 This is my pitch for my synoptic project at college, we had to all pick a route we wanted to go down and think of an...

Blog: Blog2
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